Belper Mens Hockey Club 

Selection Guidelines



  • Selection will be held on a Tuesday night in clubhouse 7:00pm (unless committee meeting in the same week when it will be before the committee meeting)



  • Selection is a tough balancing act for a club of our size and we should all work together for the benefit of the whole club, promoting and demoting players where needed based on their individual skill level and the balance of the team.




  • The selection committee is made up of team captains ( or a representative of the team) and is a reasoned discussion between these members.



  • A representative from each team should where possible attend selection meeting.  If not possible a team sheet should be passed to a captain who is attending who then has the mandate to alter selection as appropriate).



  • Team should be selected from 1st team down based on a combination of ability, position, availability and team need to ensure strongest team is the higher team.



  • Where possible we try and select min. 13 players per team.



  • When players are demoted from a team they should, where possible and regardless of age, be called by captain from the team they are leaving to explain the reasons.  We will try to make sure this is before the lower team captain asks them to play. (This may mean speaking to a parent when juniors are involved).



  • If players are excelling within a squad then the captain should advise the captain above of their performances in order to promote that player.



  • We endeavour not to drop or promote players two or more teams in a week, however there are times when this will happen due to other selection issues.



  • Captains will use the junior ranking list as a guide to player’s ability.


We are a Men’s hockey club who accommodate players of all ages, abilities and commitment, this is an important value that we intend to uphold.



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