Please pass this message on to all your fellow members friends and family who got stuck in and made Belper’s Biggest Bonfire & Fireworks possible.

For those who gave their time and expertise to stage Belper’s Biggest Fireworks and Bonfire Night, a big WELL DONE!!

In financial terms it appears to have been the most successful for many years; this money goes to running Belper Meadows Sports Club and reducing the monies the individual sections have to pay to the Club.

From my perspective it was great to see the sections working together and this year more volunteers from the sections giving their time. A personal thank you all your time and efforts were much appreciated.

A special mention to Roger Carter, Chris Hallsworth and Richard Taylor who excelled in what they did.

However it would have been even better if more female and male members had joined in to lighten the load on the few.

For those of you who wondered why we had no music this year, it is because the Performing Rights Society are trying to fleece us for hundreds of pounds. That’s also why the clubroom television has disappeared. Playing music could have led to a fine.

I have been promoting the event on Facebook. I don’t really understand F-book too well, but we have over 500 likes, including 110 in the last week. I include below some comments that have come in over the past 24 hours, they make interesting reading.


Carol Wright: It was a brilliant display in every way. First time we’ve been. Everything was well spaced out (even the neighbours set their displays off in the intervals to keep the youngsters entertained). Price was v affordable for a family. Would definitely go next year. Thank you

Paul Bembridge: Fabulous display. Music in the interval would have been good and maybe a fire juggler? Maybe a food concession on the way in and an mc to keep the mob entertained too would have been good and definitely worth an extra couple of quid. Couldn’t fault the display though. We’ll be back again next year.

Lesley Tomlinson: It was a fab display thank you!

Suzanne Hockley: It was a fantastic display. The best so far.

Terri Goodwin: A fantastic display!

Jane Blackbrook: We had a great night thank you.



Nigel Hooker (tel : 07712 079 730)

Event Co-ordinator


Belper’s Biggest Bonfire and Fireworks, the best yet!!

Presented by Belper Meadows Sports Club: home to Derbyshire’s premier Hockey Teams, Tennis, Bowls and Cricket

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