See also: England Hockey News for 30/01/2020

Dear BMCSC members + friends and families, a big THANK YOU from your fellow members, the BMCSC management and all those who come here to enjoy our facilities.

Aerial view October

This is what we looked like in early October.


Flooding aerial view

And this was the position Fri 8thNov midday.


Sunday 10th November revealed a depressing state both inside the clubhouse and across the playing surfaces. This was tackled with vigour by volunteers from all sections aged 7 to 70 working together. The big clean-up continued through the week and no doubt will engage us for many hours to come. However the Clubhouse is back up and running.

Pitch slime 

The hockey pitch was covered in a foul layer of slime, tons of the stuff were scraped/barrowed off the pitch and tennis courts. Not to mention the loads of flotsam deposited on fences and so many other places.

Flotsam pile

The net result of all the hard work of the clean up squads is that the Club is well on the road to recovery. Playing surfaces have reappeared, fantastic work all, well done! Yes surfaces will require further work, and yes we face additional costs associated with repairing grounds and sports equipment, plus electrics in the clubhouse.

A Recovery Fund Donation page has been created:


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