Dear Member,
Annual General Meeting 23rd July 2020 Notice and Voting Details
You are aware that the Club, along with all large organisations, is required to hold an Annual General Meeting of its members.
The BMCSC Constitution makes this clear :
” There must be an annual general meeting (AGM) of the members of the CIO. The
AGM must be held within 18 months of the registration of the CIO, and subsequent AGMs
must be held at intervals of not more than 15 months.
The AGM must receive the annual statement of accounts (duly audited or examined where
applicable) and the trustees’ annual report. “
There is also a legal requirement for these final accounts (ie those accepted at the AGM) to be up-loaded on to the Charity Commission website, within a specific timescale.
Failure to meet this timescale would mean the Club committing an offence.
The problem the world is facing, is that during the Coronavirus pandemic, with ‘social isolation’ being a key part of everyday life, a gathering of people for an AGM is not possible by law.
So, the law says ‘Hold an AGM’, and the law also says ‘Keep people apart’.
Thus, as a responsible organisation, the Trustees are using ‘best endeavours’ to overcome this imposed impossible situation.
The ‘best endeavours’ solution is to hold an ‘e-mail AGM’.
Accordingly, attached below are :
– the minutes of the previous AGM, held on 30 April 2019;
– report from the BMCSC Chair, for the year 2019-2020;
– reports from the Bowls, Cricket, Ladies Hockey, Mens Hockey and Tennis sections;
– the Trustees Annual Report, which is attached to
– the audited annual accounts.
Please would all members confirm by return e-mail to BMCSC secretary [email protected], within 7 days :(see below)
– their approval of the previous minutes (if they attended);
– their acceptance of the annual accounts and the Trustees Annual Report.
In addition, members may ask questions in connection with the Trustees Annual report and annual accounts – to which the Trustees will respond within another 7 days.
There is a requirement to re-elect the Trustees, all of whom are willing to continue to serve the Club. They are :
– Kath Hoult – Chair
– Greg Lloyd – Treasurer
– Alan Ward – Bowls
– Matt Fairey – Cricket
– Joan Passant – Ladies Hockey
– Nigel Hooker – Mens Hockey
– Andy McKay – Tennis
– Stephen Ford – Special duties (legal compliance)
– Chris Hallsworth – Secretary.
Would you please confirm your agreement to appoint these Board members.
Thank you.
Kath Hoult
Reply (please cut and paste into your email)
I confirm approval of the minutes of the AGM dated 30 April 2019, if attended Yes / No / N/A
I accept the 2019-2020 annual accounts. Yes / No
I accept the 2019-2020 Trustees Annual Report. Yes / No
I wish to endorse the re-appointment of the Board members as listed above. Yes / No
Members name: ………………. ……………………..
Email the above to BMCSC secretary [email protected] (01773 823033)
AGM Documentation:
BMCSC AGM 23rd July 2020 – Notice and Voting Details
BMCSC Accounts 2019 and Trustees Report