Background: The Prime Minister has this evening announced a National Lockdown for England.
The government has issued published guidance dated 4 January 2021 titled “National lockdown: Stay at Home – Coronavirus cases are rising rapidly across the country. Find out what you can and cannot do.”
The 22 pages of guidance can be found via this hyperlink “ National lockdown: Stay at Home“.
Of note the guidance says that although you can exercise in a public space, there is the specific instruction “Outdoor sports venues, including tennis courts, golf courses and swimming pools, must close.” Page 16
Therefore, sadly, until there is a relaxation in the government guidance the Belper Meadows Community Sports Club is closed for the playing of sport.
Nigel Hooker for the RTP Group.
Distribution: RTP Group, Belper Ladies Hockey Chair, Belper Hockey Chair, Belper Hockey website.
The remit of the Return to Play (RTP) group is to establish & implement measures & procedures for providing a safe Facility for the participation of sport at Belper Meadows Community Sports Club (BMCSC) during the Covid pandemic. The Sections and External users have the responsibility for organising their sport within that envelope i.e. the Human Factors. The RTP Group comprises BMCSC Trustees and Belper Synthetic Pitches Directors who are accountable for the operation of BMCSC and the Astro, other persons will be co-opted as necessary. Note, the pitch booking secretary, Julie Carter, is not on the RTP Group.